Sheriff Candidate Faces License Revocation Amid Falsification Allegations

The race for Galveston County sheriff has taken a dramatic turn. The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) has recommended revoking the Texas peace officer’s license of Republican candidate Jimmy Fullen.

This recommendation follows an investigation into allegations that Fullen falsified government documents, a serious accusation that could potentially lead to a felony charge.

The investigation was initiated by a complaint filed by retired Galveston County sheriff’s sergeant Kenneth Williams. According to Williams, Fullen falsified personal history statements on multiple occasions. “He falsified one back in 2005 that he submitted to Texas City,” Williams stated.

“He falsified one back in October 2023 that he submitted to Constable (Paul) Edinburgh, where he’s currently the chief deputy. And then he also submitted a false document, personal history statement, to the city of Texas City in January of 2024.” Williams estimated that the documents from 2023 and 2024 alone contained 19 omissions or falsifications.

In response to these allegations, Fullen has vowed to fight to keep his license. “I have filed an answer with TCOLE and intend to contest the allegations,” Fullen texted Houston Public Media. He emphasized that his license remains unaffected by the allegations at this stage.

According to the source, Fullen’s legal representation, Gregory Cagle of the Texas Municipal Police Association, has been contacted for comment but has not yet responded.

This development comes under a new law, effective since last September, requiring county sheriff candidates to possess a valid Texas peace officer’s license. Should TCOLE revoke Fullen’s license, he would become ineligible to serve as sheriff.

If the revocation occurs before the November general election, the Galveston County Republican Party precinct chairs would need to convene to select a new candidate to replace Fullen on the ballot. This candidate would then challenge the Democratic sheriff’s candidate, Mark A. Salinas.

If Fullen is elected and TCOLE subsequently revokes his license, he would be forced to resign as sheriff. This situation underscores the significant impact of the TCOLE’s recommendation on the upcoming election and the future of Galveston County’s law enforcement leadership.

Fullen’s case highlights the critical role of TCOLE in maintaining the integrity and accountability of law enforcement officers in Texas. The commission’s recommendation is a reminder of the stringent standards to which peace officers are held and the serious consequences of violating these standards.

As the situation unfolds, the community is closely watching the proceedings. The outcome of Fullen’s contestation of the allegations will determine not only his candidacy but also the direction of the Galveston County sheriff’s office.

For now, the sheriff’s race remains in a state of uncertainty, with the potential for significant changes depending on the final decision from TCOLE.

Reference article:

TCOLE recommends revoking license of Republican Galveston County Sheriff candidate Jimmy Fullen

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