About Us

At Oxnard24, we’re passionate about keeping you informed about everything that matters in Oxnard, California, and beyond. Our dedicated team of local journalists brings you the latest news, from happenings right in your backyard to breaking stories that shape our world.

We understand that staying informed about your community is essential. That’s why we prioritize local news coverage, keeping you in the loop on city council decisions, community events, crime updates, and local business spotlights. We strive to provide in-depth and unbiased reporting, ensuring you get the full picture.

But the world doesn’t stop at the Oxnard city limits. Oxnard24 also delivers the latest national and international news, keeping you connected to the broader world. Whether it’s the latest advancements in technology or major global events, we’ve got you covered.

Oxnard24 is your one-stop shop for comprehensive news coverage. We go beyond reporting the headlines. We delve deeper, providing insightful analysis and commentary to help you make sense of the news.

We believe an informed community is a powerful community. That’s why we encourage you to get involved. Submit your news tips, share event listings, and even send in your thoughts through letters to the editor. Let’s work together to create a vibrant online space for Oxnard residents to stay informed, share ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions.

Oxnard24: Where Oxnard connects.