Harmony and Healing: Nonprofit Combines Music and Horses for Rehabilitation

Moorpark, CA – Combining the therapeutic powers of music and animal interaction, a nonprofit in Moorpark, Because We Can – Because We Care, is making a unique impact in the community by rescuing and rehabilitating horses.

But their innovative approach doesn’t stop there – they incorporate music into their healing process, creating a heartwarming and effective therapy. As per to the source abc7

Volunteer and musician Mikayla Khramov discovered the magical synergy one day while playing guitar at the barn. A curious colt named Yupia eagerly joined in, strumming along and showcasing the extraordinary bond between humans and horses.

“We just walked into the stall one day with a guitar, and he just went at it,” said Dave Drulias, the nonprofit’s founder.

This special bond is at the core of their mission. “We rescue and rehabilitate horses. We then use those horses to work with special needs and disabled children, and we also do a lot of work with American veterans who may have PTSD or anxiety,” Drulias explained.

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For 15 years, their program has offered horse riding lessons, beginning with fundamental horsemanship skills.

The emotional connections formed during these sessions are profound. “The kids bond with the horses, the adults bond with the horses. It’s very emotional,” shared Paige LeBaron, a dedicated volunteer.

Every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., the nonprofit provides free riding lessons to children with special needs. These sessions, which require an appointment, offer a unique opportunity to experience the healing power of horses and music.

“We do not have the paid staff. We’re here because we love being here and helping the horses and helping people,” Drulias emphasized, highlighting the passion and commitment driving their work.

Through their harmonious blend of music and animal therapy, Because We Can – Because We Care is creating a sanctuary of healing and joy.

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