Keep Your Pets Safe During the WNY Heatwave: Essential Tips

As Western New York (WNY) braces for an intense heatwave, experts are sharing crucial tips to ensure your pets stay safe and comfortable. As per the sources by wkbw

Hydration is Key

Always provide plenty of fresh water for your pets. Hydration is essential to prevent heatstroke and other heat-related illnesses. Place multiple water bowls around the house and refill them frequently.

Limit Outdoor Activities

Try to keep your pets indoors during peak heat hours, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If your pets need exercise, opt for early morning or late evening walks when temperatures are cooler. Avoid hot pavement, as it can burn their paws.

Create a Cool Environment

Make sure your home remains cool. Use fans, air conditioning, or create shaded areas outside if your pets prefer to be outdoors. Cooling mats and pet-friendly ice packs can also provide relief.

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Never Leave Pets in Cars

Never leave your pets in a parked car, even for a short period. Temperatures inside vehicles can rise rapidly, leading to fatal heatstroke.

Watch for Signs of Overheating

Be vigilant for symptoms of overheating, such as excessive panting, drooling, weakness, or collapse. If you notice any signs, move your pet to a cooler area immediately and offer water. Contact your veterinarian if symptoms persist.

Grooming and Health Checks

Regular grooming can help prevent overheating. Trim long-haired pets, but avoid shaving them down to the skin, as their coat also protects them from sunburn. Regular health checks are essential to ensure they are coping well with the heat.

By following these tips, you can help ensure your pets stay safe and healthy during the WNY heatwave. Stay informed and proactive to protect your furry friends from the summer heat.

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